JCB MPI November 2024 Release notes
- PDI and Handover checks have had their functionality changed.
- PDI checks have been decoupled from Handover and will no longer be required at the point of sale. PDI also known as Fulfilment check will remain extensive and the complete test that may be carried out by a user whenever is desired.
- Handover check has been changed to be carried out at the point of sale and this will be between the Dealer and the end customer purchasing the machine. This check can be carried out both on the Mobile app (where a signature can be recorded) and on the web client (without a signature). Note: For a Machine to be eligible for a handover check it must have a valid PDI completed, and not be held for repair.
- Users can now select a Location filter to reduce the overall number of machines that will appear when viewing the folders also known as buckets within a site. Users will be asked what Location they are at when first entering the tool, and can also later edit this by choosing a new location in the drop down menu.
- Users can no longer delete a location whilst there are machines assigned to it
- MPI will now remember the last location users were logged in as.
- Users can no longer delete models.
Web Application
- Added the ability for users to sort check templates by template type and template status.
- Location information will now be displayed in the following client reports;
- Serial Number
- Production Failure
- When doing a machine Transfer, the new Location that the user has selected will now be highlighted.
- Removed the ability for Dealers to be able to “Handover” a Machine to another Dealer. Machine Handover is only applicable when a machine is Sold to an end customer. Dealer can use the existing “Transfer” option to move machine to another Dealer.
- Depending on your region, when selecting a machine to carry out a handover for machines with an overdue Audit, a red Asterix will appear next to the Machine’s serial number to highlight to the user that these machines cannot be moved to Handover without a 30 day audit.
- Fixed a bug where the stock list by model images was not always showing all models in stock.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes images in the MPI print would be squashed or stretched.
- Fixed a bug where closing an image would dismiss the inspection overview UI.
- Fixed a bug where closing a client report would dismiss the inspection overview UI.
- Fixed a bug where some template model mapping was not saving between sessions.
- Fixed a bug where machines pending approval were sometimes not having their location updated.
Tablet Application
h3. Process
- The “spec change” checkbox has been removed when a user is doing inspections.
- The new Handover checks will now show Machine Number, Model names, Location names and Dealer or Customer information.
- Added the ability for search function to search all models at that site. Previously would only display models where a PDI was done in the last 30 days.
- Search option on the app now shows Audit and Inspection Status
- Fixed a bug where if a user would lose internet connection to their tablet whilst uploading images, that those images would not continue to upload to the inspection when a connection was regained.
- Fixed a bug where longer notes were sometimes being truncated or hidden.
- Fixed a bug where the manual would sometimes not load in the “Need help?” section.